Referral Service:

Photo Credit: Joshua Isaac

Photo Credit: Joshua Isaac
Photo Credit: Joshua Isaac

Forestry Assistance Program Referral Service:
The FAP program provides referrals to natural resource professionals in our area. Services provided include management plan writing, timber sale administration, timber value appraisal, timber marking, wildlife habitat enhancement, and many other services.
Private Lands Forestry Referral Service; How it works:
1) Private landowners who contact the Dickinson/Menominee Conservation District with forestry-related related questions or visit the website, will be given the option to receive a referral to a qualified resource professional for forestry services.
2) The landowner will fill out a forestry referral form (number acres, forest type, what kind of forestry assistance they are interested in). This form is available in our office, or by clicking HERE, where you can download it and fill it out, and then send it in via postal service, or email. Or bring it in to the office.
3) The Landowner submits the request to the Conservation District.
4) The District will then email the request directly to the consulting foresters who have expressed an interest in being on our referral list. We will also keep a listing of the referral requests on this tab.
Photo Credits: Joshua Isaac