One of the most adaptable oaks for northern climates - Swamp White Oak will tolerate both wet and dry soils. This species is a member of the "white oak group" so it is less susceptible to oak wilt. It is a tough tree for forest or landscape uses (salt, heat, drought, flood-tolerant), and transplants easier than other oaks. Prune in dormant season. Swamp White Oak grows at a slow-to-medium rate, with the tops of its leaves a glossy green and the bottom side white. Occasional flooding for this tree is okay. Mammals and birds love to inhabit Swamp White Oak.
CAUTION: Avoid pruning April-July.
- Seedling Size: 12-18"
- Mature Height: Grows 50-60'
- Sunlight: Full Sun/Partial Shade
- Soil: Moist (wet) to dry, prefers slightly acidic soil
Zones 3-8