Site Preparation, Seeding/Planting, and Competition Control
Planting Site Preparation Information:
Site preparation and competition control are important factors in forest regeneration and successful tree planting. Dickinson Conservation District offers a referral service to professionals that assist in tilling, planting, brush management, spraying, seeding, etc. The referral service operates exactly like the forestry referral system under the 'Forest Landowner Assistance' tab. If you would like a referral, please contact our forester, Joshua Isaac, here or to the right in the 'Get a referral' submission form. Please include an email and/or phone number that will allow for quick contact.
If you are a professional that offers these services in the Central/Western Upper Peninsula please contact our forester, Joshua Isaac, here with your company information and services provided. We would be more than happy to add you to the list.
The Conservation District does not endorse these professional entities and encourages landowners to inquire if the entities they want to work with have insurance.
Site preparation, brush management, and planting

Site preparation is the treatment of areas to improve site conditions for establishing trees and/or shrubs. The purpose is to encourage natural regeneration of desirable plants and/or permit artificial establishment. Each site preparation is different based on topography, soils, desired plant species, wildlife considerations, landowner goals, etc. Site preparation includes brush management, tilling, spraying, burning, and planning to name a few important practices. Site preparation goes hand-in-hand with planting and would greatly increase the likelihood of success if taken into consideration.
Planting mortality greatly decreases when you have proper site preparation, brush management, and a forest management plan or conservation plan in place. Proper equipment is needed for a successful and timely planting. Protections against wildlife or weather damage should be considered when planning out a planting or seeding establishment. Conservation cover is vegetative cover that protects against erosion, water loss, and provides food and shelter for wildlife. Land not practical for equipment needed for tree/shrub planting or management should be considered for conservation cover for the protection of the land and wildlife.
Brush management is the management or removal of woody plants including those that are invasive or noxious. The purpose is to create a desired plant community. Brush management is important to make sure that the trees/shrubs you have planted recently survive against competing vegetation. You should consider brush management for:
Maintaining, modifying, or enhancing fish and wildlife habitat
Improving forage accessibility, quality, and quantity for livestock and wildlife
Managing fuel loads to achieve desired conditions
Restoring or releasing desired tree/shrub species
Controlling invasive and noxious woody plants
Creating recreational paths
Reducing competition and invigorating desired woody species
For the Landowner's Guide to Backyard Management, click HERE!