Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition (WRISC)
The Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition (WRISC) is a cooperative invasive species partnership operating in northeast Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The partnership consists of a wide range of partners and members from local, state, tribal, and federal agencies, land managers, utility companies, civic organizations, businesses, and individuals, all interested in the education and management of invasive species in the five county WRISC area. ​
This coalition strives to combine multi-agency resources and expertise to coordinate education and management of invasive species across borders, promoting best management practices that will help to slow the spread of these invaders.
Our cooperative is led by a Board of Directors, and operates solely on donations and grant awards which the Dickinson Conservation District helps us manage as our fiscal agent.
Want to learn more about WRISC or how you can help battle invasive species in your area? Check out our website!
What Are Invasive Species
Invasive Species are non-native plants or animals that are introduced to areas outside of their native habitat or range, and proceed to cause damage or harm. Non-native invasive species can have devastating ecological and economic impacts to communities. Industries such as forestry, agriculture, and outdoor recreation are all at risk, as are native fish and wildlife habitats.